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Cơ hội và thách thức của việc phát triển PCB linh hoạt

Xu hướng thu nhỏ và đa chức năng của các sản phẩm điện tử chắc chắn sẽ thúc đẩy sự phát triển của công nghệ sản xuất PCB theo hướng mật độ cao, độ chính xác cao, thu nhỏ và tốc độ cao. Bởi vì PCB linh hoạt phụ thuộc vào vật liệu nền linh hoạt và có thể uốn cong, dẫn đến trọng lượng nhẹ và khối lượng PCB linh hoạt nhỏ, it has witnessed more and more applications in electronic products in recent years. The development of PCB is closely related to the development of materials and technologies. Vì thế, this paper will discuss the development opportunities and challenges that flexible PCB must face in terms of new materials and technologies.

The innovation of flexible PCB largely depends on the growth of new materials. The material innovation of insulating substrate materials, adhesives, metal foils, overlays and reinforcing plates is driving circuit boards to obtain higher performance. Since flexible PCB manufacturing requires higher requirements for various materials, diversified material systems will provide manufacturers with multiple choices and combinations. As flexible PCB technology uses flexible substrate materials, it is compatible with and complementary to the popular printed electronic technology in recent years. Vì thế, how to use printing technology to manufacture PCB in addition process is a new topic that the flexible PCB industry should pay attention to.

The progress of materials and technology can further expand the application scope of flexible PCB. Ví dụ, LED PCB plays a leading role in the current market, depending on the design of rigid plate and metal base plate. With the optimization of heat resistance of materials, flexible PCB will be applied to light and thin LED products. Another notable application of flexible circuit boards is automotive PCB. So far, the electrical components of automobiles are mainly connected by wires, and the equivalent thin flexible PCB is 70% lighter than wires. The breakthrough in research and development of high polymer materials has improved the high-temperature stable working range from 100 ℃ to 125 ℃ to 200 ℃ or higher. In addition to high efficiency, excellent electric induction and control performance, flexible PCB will be more used in automobiles and play a key role.

In PCB industry, new materials and new technologies usually help each other. Because of their higher requirements for performance, they can play a perfect role on flexible PCB. In the process of micro hole manufacturing in flexible PCB, the mechanical strength and deformation coefficient of different materials on different layers should be carefully considered, and the deformation should be estimated according to the results of through hole manufacturing. Cuối cùng, accurate micropores will be successfully manufactured. With the opportunity, all application expectations will pose extreme challenges in PCB materials, technology and design. Vì thế, when we want to go further in the PCB industry, it is essential to adhere to the principle of technological innovation and independent research and development.

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